California Haunts Radio

by Charlotte Kosa

California Haunts Radio has been on the air for more than 18 years broadcasting on Blogtalk but recently made the change to live video. We now broadcast every Sunday through Friday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Youtube, Facebook, periscope and Tik Tok. Host Charlotte Kosa is a journalist/photojournalist with more than 25 years experience. She has been the editor of a daily online paper and the assistant editor of a daily paper. She als ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • Season 4

  • Receiving Session and/or Past Life Regression which works best? with Medium Nancy Matz

    Receiving Session and/or Past Life Regression which works best? with Medium Nancy Matz

    Medium Nancy Matz has been a working psychic for 32 years, and during her career, she has assisted the California Haunts on more than 40 investigations as a ghost investigator and remote viewer. Ghost tours Sacramento City Cemetery six years of 5/6 events each year, with monies earned for repairs of broken head stones. Matz's specialty is communication and visual identification of spirits and ghosts who inhabited our world with us. Her clientele often seek her out including those dying, and who greet us at death, family grieving and recover afterward. Another area of preferred clientele family and children focus issues and children development. Past Life regressions and identifying past life recovery issues. Radio, TV shows and Conferences and events are listed at websites. Sessions for setting up appointments. Websites / nancymatzpsychic Books The Unwilling Sacrifice (Two Worlds:) Help! Get Me Out of This Funk! (Two Worlds: Book 2) Two Worlds: Developing Your Psychic Skills

  • Biological Earthquake Forecasting with Charlotte King

    Biological Earthquake Forecasting with Charlotte King

    On May 18, 1980, Charlotte King predicted the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in Washington. According to King's Website, leading up to the eruption, starting in January of 1980, King began to suffer from an un-explainable headache. On March the headache turned into a migraine, On March 20, she received news outlets reported that there was a 4.2 quake at Mt. St. Helens. Small quakes continued to rattle the mountain as the month wore on and on March 27, just after 12:30 p.m. Pacific, she felt waves of major pain. So much so that tears formed in her eyes. She went to her car and heard on the radio that there was steam emanating from the mountain and ash was there were reports of volcanic ash as well. became linked physically to St. Helen’s. King would pick up an event up to 4 days before it happened, then again at 12 hours and again at 4 minutes. In late April, King was at work and started to feel ill. She went to the ladies room and noticed that the capillaries, pores on her face and hands were enlarged and blotchy and she was bleeding under the skin with what they call petechiae, tiny red dots under the skin. Later that evening King heard there had been a series of explosions lasting 4 hours. On May 16, King was speaking to a group of high school science students and while there, felt a distinct vibration that no one else felt. She then predicted that something big was going to happen at St Helens within 48 hours or less” that was about 2:30 PM Friday afternoon May 16th, 1980. When the eruption happened, King was only 12 minutes off with her prediction. Following that prediction, scientists became interested in her abilities. In addition to her ability to feel vibrations, she also can hear sounds in ELF, VHF and ULF frequencies. Tests revealed that she could hear very low frequencies and has been able to predict other Earth anomalies as well. Tonight she will share her remarkable story with us. Website

  • Witches in New Mexico with John LeMay

    Witches in New Mexico with John LeMay

    According to Amazon, John LeMay is from Roswell, New Mexico, and has written more than 25 books on Southwest history, cryptozoology, ufology, and cinema history. His best known books include Tall Tales and Half Truths of Billy the Kid, a collection of far-out folklore on the famed desperado; and Jaws Unmade: The Lost Sequels, Prequels, Remakes and Rip-Offs; one of many other books about lost/unmade films by the author. He is also the co-author of the well-received The Real Cowboys and Aliens series with Ufologist Noe Torres, which spotlights UFO sightings from the Old West and early day America. In a similar vein, he is the creator of the Cowboys & Saurians series, which focuses on remnant dinosaurs and cryptids reported in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Website Books Tall Tales and Half Truths of Billy the Kid The Real Cowboys and Aliens Cowboys & Saurians The New Mexico book of Witches

  • Dark Confrontations at the House of Wills with Daryl Marston

    Dark Confrontations at the House of Wills with Daryl Marston

    Daryl Marston has investigated many haunted hotspots during his tenure as a paranormal investigator. Some of those investigations have been done with his own team and others have been done with A&E as the co-lead of Ghost Hunters. But for Marston, one investigation in particular affected him like no other. So much so that he wrote a book, “The Horrors of the House of Wills: A True Story of a Paranormal Investigator's Most Terrifying Case" as a way to share his experience with others. At one time, the building, located in Cleveland Ohio, housed a funeral home. Marston and another investigator decided to investigate the place and Marston was not prepared for what happened during and following the visit. He experienced phantom footsteps, time slips, saw dark shadows, and felt as if something dark was trying to enter his mind. And that's not all. When he left the building, something came home with him. Tonight, he will share his story with us. The events left a lasting impression on him and changed his life and the way he approaches the paranormal. Website Book The Horrors of the House of Wills: A True Story of a Paranormal Investigator's Most Terrifying Case

  • A Close Look at the Billy Meier UFO Case with Brit Elders

    A Close Look at the Billy Meier UFO Case with Brit Elders

    Brit Elders is an investigative author and documentary filmmaker who traveled the world exploring a variety of topics including the mysterious world of UFOs. She has participated in several in-depth investigations, including the Billy Meier case and the waves of UFO sightings in Mexico, which began in 1991 and continue today. The CEO of, Brit continues to research and write for herself and others Website Book UFO...Contact from the Pleiades